The approach upriver from St. Simons Sound all the way to Brunswick Landing Marina is pleasantly deep and well marked. That's what comes from having a commercial port that in years past was also a hurricane hole for the US Navy. The one bridge span under which you must travel - the Sidney Lanier Bridge - is 125 feet high so pretty much anyone can shoehorn their cruising boat under it.
Sherrie and Cindy run the show at Brunswick Landing Marina and they are right on top of things. They are responsive to emails as well as VHF hails, and they will be there to talk you up the fairway and into their marina while their watch dogs, KIller and Danger, We arrived July 11, 2011, and Sherrie and Cindy took excellent care of us right from the start when they helped us dock. We were continuing our Great 10-Year Refit, and boy howdy did we have a succession of boat supplies shipped in to the marina during the 4 months The Fox stayed there. Sherrie and Cindy took it all in stride.
I won't bore you by listing all Brunswick Landing Marina's amenities; here's their website.
If you're like me and are seriously heat-intolerant, you will find that Brunswick's main drawback is the relentless heat and humidity of their summers. But then, come August the whole East Coast is that way, so it's unfair to hold it against Brunswick. Occasionally you may get aroma from the pulp mill a few miles across the marsh if the wind turns right - but frankly, it didn't bother me overmuch and I'm asthmatic. The marshland next door (as seen in the pic up here on the left) is great for birdwatching but creates a nutrient-rich environment vis-a-vis your boat hull, but as I said ther's a diver available to set that right. Bottom line: I can (and do, repeatedly) highly recommend Brunswick Landing Marina as the premier summertime destination of the whole East Coast - whether you choose to live aboard or not. Hurricanes just don't move this far inland. Case in point: The Fox was here when Hurricane Irene passed by - but the marina is so far inland and so far up a river tributary that it saw only about 30-35 knots of wind, and no surge. Sweet.
The marina's good finger piers, cruiser lounge (air conditioned!), outdoor picnic tables and covered spaces at the head of each dock make working on one's boat as convenient as possible. Plenty of cruisers come and go throughout the year, so there's potential for social activity. There's lots of tourism opportunities nearby and in the surrounding communities. All things considered, this will not be the last time we visit Brunswick Landing Marina. Maybe it's time you considered stopping by too. Just save space for us, please!