In 2015 we took an 8-month leave from The Fox after we'd stripped the stern of all gear, to prepare for the installation of a new stern arch. Call it "an extended hurricane-season boat-prep." We wanted the stage set for whenever Rick and his boys scheduled time to do the work.
Over there on the far right, there's The Fox's stern, all empty of gear: ----------------------------------------->
In this pic directly below, we see some of the places where things were stored. Here's the forward V-berth:
Here's the stern cabin, over on the right: -------------------------->
All the lazarettes looked pretty much the same. Like King Tut's tomb: ----------->
In our extended absence, we wanted someone to keep an eye on The Fox and keep the topsides clear of iguanas, gulls, mangrove swallows, and all the detritus they tend to bring aboard. We had only hired a boat-watcher once before, in Brunswick, Georgia; and we had had good results. So for just the second time in 13 years of owning The Fox, we hired Grant, owner of Tony's Boat Management in Marina Mazatlan, to do the job. (#foreshadowing)