January 31, 2017: the night was calm in Cazadero and sunrise brought a second day of heavy dew on deck. We had a favorable forecast for a change and so at long last The Fox raised anchor and got some exercise. Northbound to San Marcial, we spotted several dolphin and numerous sea birds who also looked pleased to finally be on the move. Wind and chop increased ever-so-slightly as we came abeam of the anchorages at Timabichi and Puerto Los Gatos, but dropped again to the 7-9 knot range from the NNW.
We approached San Marcial and got spectacularly lucky. For a brief period, the whole anchorage was vacant and we anchored in the prime spot in 21' of water on a falling tide. Moments later another small sailboat arrived, followed by an eco-cruise ship that diverted to anchor in nearby Ensenada la Ballena.
Similar to our feelings about Cazadero, the anchorage at San Marcial is one of our Top Four Sea Of Cortez Must-See Destinations. If you're lucky enough to grab the best spot on the eastern side of this cove like we did, you will find outstanding shelter from northerly and westerly winds. The beachcombing and hiking opportunities are outstanding, and the snorkeling can be a pack o' fun too.
It had been seven and a half years since we had last enjoyed San Marcial. We loved every minute we spent there.